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Related article: prefer running up this stream when the water was high to any of the numerous other feeders of the loch, and that although there were many larger and deeper waters available to them. Yet it could not be for spawning pur- poses, for it was as yet only August, and these larger fish always seemed to go down again to the loch when the water fell. The "natives'* said it was the particular feeding of this stream which brought them there, and I suppose it must have been some special attraction of that kind. But at any rate I remember that our first day's fishing of it, when the tops of the Bens were wreathed in mist and the white threads were falling down the mountain sides like the folds of a bridal veil over a mantle of pale sea-green, at once beautiful and grand, we were considerably sur- prised to find ourselves, after an exhilarating three hours, with fourteen very fine yellow trout, in excellent condition, which weighed exactly 14 lbs. Naturally we used somewhat stronger tackle than in the low clear waters of which we have spoken, but still it was all we could do to hold these strong lively fish in the foaming current, and a beautiful sight it was to the eye of the angler to see the brilliantly spotted yellow bodies tumbling and struggling in the pure white water, and making for themselves a setting of gold in ivory. And yet we could never 1900.1 THE LATE SIR FREDERICK MARSHALL 29 feel altogether at ease until they were fairly on the slopes of the grassy bank, for there were in- finite possibilities of disaster every moment ! What with rocksy trees, the swirling current, the granite boulders, and the often slippery foothold, it was practically impossible to use a landing net. So the fish had all to be played down stream and held, as best Buy Ethambutol Hydrochloride we might, until some little bay or shingly beach or bye channel could be found, whence they could be very ten- derly drawn up on to the grass and safety. No, we cannot recall any three hours* fishing, even when we have been in legitimate quest of and have fairly hooked, played, and landed the lordly salmon, which gave us more real sport and more keen excite- ment than those quickly fleeting moments with the despised ''little red worm." on that typical high- land stream. Everything in the way of enjoy- ment or of sport, as of most other things here below, is in fact com- parative and relative, and is conditioned more or less by our personal mood as well as by our surroundings and environment. And so, while we have many pleasant recollections of days with our little fly-rod both on loch and river, and alike with the yellow trout of inland waters, the Salmo fontinalis from the streams of the great American continent and the brilliant Fario argenteus of the sea, we have also a feeling at once of kindly remembrance and pleas- ing anticipation of times on thin clear waters and under the warm sun of midsummer (for the sun of midsummer is occasionally warm in Scotland) with the patient and gentle worm on the southern lowland trout - stream and the granite - bounded mountain - girt highland river. " What shall we do to-day, John ? " I said, as we looked at the shining river flashing at our feet in the rays of the morning sun, while the sharp fresh air came " caller " from the Berwickshire hills to fan the brow and give colour to the cheek. "I think, sir, ye should worm her up i' the momin' and flee her doon i' the afternune." The advice, although epigrammatic in form, was intel- ligible. It was also good advice, and I took it ! J. A. S. M. The late Sir Frederick Marshall. When the portrait of the above gallant soldier and keen sports- man appeared in Baily of Janu- ary, 1 891, the biographical sketch dealt mainly with his career as a soldier, hunting man, and Master of Hounds. The daily press has put upon record his merit as a public man. It would therefore be tautology to say much about him as a public man here. The fact of his being known amongst the many-headed in his early days of public cricket as ** Fred Mar- shall," without any prefix, is the best evidence that he was much esteemed by the public generally, and had attained the same honours which fell to the lot of distin- guished men of the past, such men as " Bob Grimston," " Fred Ponsonby," and men also of the present, such as " Bull Picker- ing " and ** Dick Garth " (now Sir Richard Garth), both of whom — one in London and the other at 30 BAILY S MAGAZINE. July Vancouver's Island — are none the worse for having passed eight de- cades of their Hfe ; and ** Charley Green," the founder of Essex county cricket, who is now a " boy " only of 54 years of age, and will become **an old 'un " in time. As a cricketer Sir Frederick Marshall and his family were great supporters of Surrey cricket, especially in the early days of the County Club, as not only were they much in evidence at the Oval, but they had a ground of their own at Godalming, where many matches were played, and were also friendly allies to the Charterhouse School when it was removed from London to Godal- ming. The General was one of those who saved the Surrey ground when there were rumomrs of the Duchy of Cornwall authori- ties finding some difficulties about a fresh lease to the Club. This occurred towards the end of the seventies. The Duchy of Corn- wall are trustees for the Crown, and the Prince of Wales is tenant- for-life. Sir Frederick Marshall, owing to the fact that he was for- merly Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Life Guards, plus the fact that he held high appointment under the Duke of Cambridge, was of course very well known to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, who was most anxious that the Club should be continued